Консультативный Совет Глав Протестантских Церквей России


Advisory Council of the Heads of Protestant Churches in Russia (ACHPCR) has been operating in the country since 2002 as the main advisory body for Protestant churches in Russia.

Civil peace and harmony

Relations with
the state

of rights and freedoms of believers


Its main tasks include coordinating joint activities to establish civil peace and harmony in society, developing a unified position in relations with the state and other religious organizations, as well as protecting the rights and freedoms of believers.


Advisory Council of the Heads of Protestant Churches in Russia (ACHPCR) has been operating in the country since 2002 as the main advisory body for Protestant churches in Russia.

Civil peace and harmony

Relations with the state

of rights and freedoms of believers

Its main tasks include coordinating joint activities to establish civil peace and harmony in society, developing a unified position in relations with the state and other religious organizations, as well as protecting the rights and freedoms of believers.

Выравнивание текста

The Council consists of 12 largest Evangelical-Protestant religious associations.

The meetings are co-chaired by leaders of Protestant unions in Russia:

  • Chief Bishop of the Russian United Union of Christians of Faith-Evangelicals (Pentecostals), Sergey Vasilievich Ryakhovsky;
  • Chief Bishop of the Russian Church of Christians of Faith-Evangelical Pentecostals, Eduard Anatolievich Grabovenko;
  • First Deputy Chairman of the Euro-Asian Division (Branch) of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Christian Church, Oleg Yurievich Goncharov;
  • Chairman of the All-Union Fellowship of Evangelical Christians, Leonid Viktorovich Kartavenko (open act on joining the founding declaration, dated December 1, 2015);
  • Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria, Ivan Sergeevich Laptev.

The highest body of the Council is the meeting of the Advisory Council under the leadership of one of the co-chairmen. Between sessions, the ongoing work of the Council is carried out by: the Secretary of the Council, the Expert Council for Development, permanent committees, and working groups.


E.A. Grabovenko

O.Y. Goncharov

I.S. Laptev

L.V. Kartavenko

S.V. Ryakhovskiy

Advisory Council of the Heads of Protestant Churches in Russia

"We coordinate joint activities aimed at establishing civil peace and harmony in society, develop a unified position in relations with the state and other religious organizations, as well as protect the rights and freedoms of believers."
of Protestant assosiations
  • Chief Bishop of the Russian United Union of Christians of Faith-Evangelicals (Pentecostals)


    Sergey Vasilievich Ryakhovsky
  • Chairman of the All-Union Fellowship of Evangelical Christians


    Leonid Viktorovich Kartavenko
  • Chief Bishop of the Russian Church of Christians of Faith-Evangelical Pentecostals


    Eduard Anatolievich Grabovenko
  • First Deputy Chairman of the Euro-Asian Division (Branch) of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Christian Church


    Oleg Yurievich Goncharov
  • Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria


    Ivan Sergeevich Laptev
  • Chief Bishop of the Russian United Union

    of Christians of Faith-Evangelicals (Pentecostals)

    Sergey Vasilievich Ryakhovsky

  • Chairman of the All-Union Fellowship

    of Evangelical Christians

    Leonid Viktorovich Kartavenko

  • Chief Bishop of the Russian Church

    of Christians of Faith-Evangelical Pentecostals

    Eduard Anatolievich Grabovenko

  • First Deputy Chairman of the Euro-Asian Division (Branch) of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Christian Church

    Oleg Yurievich Goncharov

  • Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria

    Ivan Sergeevich Laptev
